Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Essay on The presentation of the ceramic book “Orientalism” by Jamelie HassanEssay Writing Service

Essay on The presentation of the ceramic book â€Å"Orientalism† by Jamelie HassanEssay Writing Service Essay on The presentation of the ceramic book â€Å"Orientalism† by Jamelie Hassan Essay on The presentation of the ceramic book â€Å"Orientalism† by Jamelie HassanThe presentation of the ceramic book â€Å"Orientalism† by Jamelie Hassan is quite symbolic in light of the unusual presentation of such a complex concept as oreinalism. The author has chosen ceramic as the medium to create the presentation. The choice of the medium is not occasional. In stark contrast, the artist apparently attempted to emphasize how precious the oriental culture and orientalism are for her. At the same time, the use of the ceramic book gives implications that it is virtually impossible to read and therefore understand. This is why, in spite of many contacts between European and representatives of the oriental civilization or civilizations, westerner still are not well informed of and cannot always understand the oriental culture and lifestyle.In this respect, the presentation made by Francine Savard, â€Å"Pluie Intermittente† is quite different from the presentat ion made by Jamelie Hassan. Her presentation includes the plywood with the acrylic on canvas mounted on it. In fact, the presentation seems to be just a box with the caption ‘pluie intermittente’ which actually is the name of the presentation. However, this is not a mere box but it is the symbolic representation of the weather which seem to be clear and square and easy to understand but, in actuality, it turns out to be a mystery just like the box which is installed on the plywood and symbolizing precipitations.The difference between the presentation made by Jamelie Hassan and the presentation made by Francine Savard can be traced not only through the difference of the medium used by the artists but also and mainly by the message conveyed by the artists. In fact, Hassan attempts to draw attention of the audience to the mysterious oriental civilization using the complex and artistically rich design of her presentation, whereas Savard returns to cubist traditions and uses the right cubic form of her work that manifests the intention of the artist to uncover the complex issue through the simple form. In this regard, the complexity of form makes the difference of the two works of art. In such a way, the artists attempt to convey their messages using different strategies but both artists attempt to convey complex issues.Furthermore, Hassan uses the extensive visualization in her presentation. The book contains images on its cover page and the title of the book is clearly written. The book is created in the oriental style that backs up the title. In stark contrast, Savard uses the simple form and the cubic presentation of the precipitation is quite unusual. At the same time, such a choice is very unusual but very effective because the depiction of precipitation in the presentation is very complex and the choice of the form mirrors the complexity of the depiction of mirrors in the artistic form. At the same time, both presentations imply the presence of the mystery which they hide successfully since viewers cannot view inside the book of Hassan or the box of Savard. In such a way, both artists suggest viewers to make their assumptions and to guess what actually may be hidden or implied by the artists.Savard offers the background of her work explaining how she prepares her exhibitions and presentations. She conducts the extensive study, analyzes various media resources before she prepares her exhibitions and presentations. Savard stresses that she uses not only color but also relationships between things which are of the utmost importance for her. She uses variations and exploration of languages as a combination of color, text, and form. She does not proceed the presentation chronologically. Instead, she arranges items taking into consideration the cultural background and messages she wants to convey to the audience.In general the presentation of Savard is more formal compared to the presentation made by Hassan. The latter makes her presentation more personal. She uses the friendly rather than formal tone. She admits personal references to her family and her past personal experience. Her presentation involves elements of the comparative study since she compares her cultural background to that of Canada and through references to her personal experience she uncovers her key messages and challenges which she has encountered. In this regard, her works contain elements which are typical for her culture. At the same time, Hassan attempts to combine those elements with elements that are traditionally attributed to Canadian and western culture. Unlike Savard, who considers relationships between objects she presents in her works are very important, Hassan stresses the importance of cultural and intercultural relationships through her works. At the same time, both Hassan and Savard prove to be proficient in their fields and view their works as the means of communication with the audience and tools with the help of which they can convey their messages to the audience.Thus, presentations made by Hassan and Savard are different in the form and content but still they imply the presence of some mystery which the audience has to uncover.

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